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Nov 15, 2014

Everybody should know about Bitcoin

                             We would like to provide the general awareness on the topic “knowing about bitcoin ”, Try 3 steps provided below.

If you want to buy thins electronically you can use Bitcoin. That means it also a currency that we are using every day. But the main difference is that every nation controls its own money, but no one controls the Bitcoin.

Who makes it:                                                                                                                                   
                             Satoshi Nakamoto first introduced the bitcoin to this electronic world. A software developer who introduced the concept of “electronic payment system based on mathematical proof”. The main features of Bitcoins are low transaction fees, fast transactions decentralization(No one controls it).

Is it printable:                                                                                                                                       

                           No, it is not. We can’t print it. As it is being generated electronically we can’t print it. Which makes the complete difference between normal currency and Bitcoin. Group of people can produce it who join as a group.

3. Rules and features:

                            Only 21 million bitcoins can be created. Smallest divisible amount is one hundred millionth of a bitcoin and is called a ‘Satoshi’. Bit coins are purely mathematics based. Anybody can check their value using freely available softwares. Simply remember it is not a barter system.
Easy to start, nobody knows, transparent, almost zero transaction fee, Fast, no centralization

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